Este momentul perfect să îți pui la încercare toate cunoștințele din limba engleză. Mai jos ți-am pregătit un test din limba engleză care îți va testa toate limitele. Citește cu atenție întrebările și nu te grăbi să dai un răspuns, ai tot timpul din lume. Ești gata? Succes!

Test din limba engleză

  1. I was bom on the:
  • Dicember first
  • First of December
  • December three
  • Decembre first

2. I can’t find my glasses. Can you look for …, please?

  • Them
  • It
  • Their
  • They

3. The plural of „ox” is:

  • Oxen
  • Oxsen
  • Oxeses
  • Oxes

4. The opposite of „flat” is:

  • Fine
  • Decided
  • Brass
  • Rough

5. „To reckon” means:

  • To realise
  • To reveal
  • To recognise
  • To consider

6. I come … Italy.

  • St
  • From
  • To
  • In

7. Chopin … music when he was three.

  • Can’t read
  • Could read
  • Can read
  • Can to read

8. The opposite of „high” is:

  • Long
  • Wide
  • Tiny
  • Low

9. „Position” means:

  • State of fact
  • Job
  • Level
  • Rank

10. „Pillar” means:

  • Instrument
  • Stone
  • Column
  • Ornament
test, engleza, intrebari
Test engleză Sursă: fotografie generată de DALL-E

11. What does it mean „argument”?

  • Element
  • Reason
  • Solution
  • Debate

12. „At hand” means:

  • Near
  • Always
  • At the moment
  • Closen

13. The plural of „child” is:

  • Childs
  • Childrens
  • Children
  • Childes

14. The antonym of „darkness” is:

  • Gloom
  • Night
  • Shadow
  • Light

15. The antonym of „go” is:

  • Read
  • Competitor
  • Mistake
  • Stay

16. … there any cars on the street?

  • Are
  • Is
  • Am
  • Isn’t

17. The glass covered walkway … a splendid view of the river.

  • Give
  • Is giving
  • Gives
  • Has given

18. I wouldn’t part with them for any … .

  • Reason
  • Thing
  • Price
  • Body

19. His father is a wealthy man … isn’t.

  • His
  • Mine
  • Him
  • My

20. … I give my exam right now?

  • Will
  • Shal
  • May
  • Must


  1. First of December
  2. Them
  3. Oxen
  4. Brass
  5. To consider
  6. From
  7. Could read
  8. Low
  9. Job
  10. Column
  11. Debate
  12. Near
  13. Children
  14. Light
  15. Stay
  16. Are
  17. Gives
  18. Price
  19. Mine
  20. Must