Ești fascinat de limba engleză, însă nu știi cum să faci să îți testezi cunoștiințele? Ei bine, ai ajuns unde trebuie. Mai jos ți-am pregătit un test de engleză pentru adolescenți, la un nivel mediu. Tot ce trebuie să faceți este să parcurgeți cele 15 întrebări, iar la final vă puteți verfica răspunsurile. Succes!

Test de engleză pentru adolescenți

  1. Could you tell me your surname?
  • Would you like me to spell it?
  • Do you like my family name?
  • How do I say that?

2. This plant looks dead.

  • It’s in the garden.
  • It only needs some water.
  • It’s sleeping.

3. I hope it doesn’t rain.

  • Of course not.
  • Will it be wet?
  • So do I.

4. Are you going to come inside soon?

  • For ever.
  • Not long.
  • In a minute.

5. Who gave you this book, Lucy?

  • I bought it.
  • For my birthday.
  • My uncle was.

6. Shall we go out for pizza tonight?

  • I know that.
  • It’s very good.
  • I’m too tired.
engleza, test, intrebari
Test engleză                                                                                                                     Sursă: fotografie generată de DALL-E

7. Do you mind if I come too?

  • That’s fine!
  • I’d like to.
  • I don’t know if I can.

8. There’s someone at the door.

  • Can I help you?
  • Well, go and answer it then.
  • He’s busy at the moment.

9. How much butter do I need for this cake?

  • I’d like one.
  • I’ll use some.
  • I’m not sure.

10. How long are you here for?

  • Since last week.
  • Ten days ago.
  • Till tomorrow.

11. Have you guys had enough to eat?

  • That’s all right.
  • Is there any more rice?
  • It’s not the right time.

12. That’s my coat over there.

  • Will you take it off?
  • No, you haven’t!
  • Here you are.

13. Let’s go by bus.

  • The train was expensive.
  • We’ll buy a ticket.
  • It’ll take too long.

14. Do you know my brother Charlie?

  • Sorry, he’s not here.
  • I don’t think I do.
  • I know.

15. Would you like some ice in your drink or not?

  • I hope so.
  • Yes, I shall.
  • I don’t mind.


  1. Would you like me to spell it?
  2. It only needs some water.
  3. So do I.
  4. In a minute.
  5. I bought it.
  6. I’m too tired.
  7. That’s fine!
  8. Well, go and answer it then.
  9. I’m not sure.
  10. Till tomorrow.
  11. Is there any more rice?
  12. Here you are.
  13. It’ll take too long.
  14. I don’t think I do.
  15. I don’t mind.