Iată un test la engleză! Acesta este ideal dacă vreți să vă testați cunoștințele pentru o limbă străină, fie să vă jucați ceva cu prietenii. Tu la câte întrebări ai răspuns corect?

Test la engleză

1.We cook our own……
a. Kitchen.
b. Table.
c. Food.
d. Plates.


2.I want to buy some …….. I want to make a cake.
a. Forks.
b. Drinks.
c. Clothes.
d. Fruit.


3.My sister has two ……
a. Childrens.
b. Childs.
c. Children.
d. Child.

Imagine reprezentativă pentru o persoană gânditoare. „Sursă: Fotografie generată de DALL-E”

4.Last year I visited two …….
a. Countries.
b. Countrys.
c. Country.
d. Countryz.

5.Tom is my friend. I like …..
a. His
b. Him
c. Her
d. She


6.Mary is my cousin. I like …..
a. Him
b. Her
c. His
d. She


7.Sue is ………than Mary.
a. As beautiful as
b. Beautifuller
c. Beautiful
d. More beautiful


8.I won’t help Sara anymore. She will need to write her own essays ……… the future.

a. on
b. in
c. at
d. of

9.The children are playing …….. in the backyard and the birds are singing very …….. .

a. happy/beautiful
b. happy/beautifully
c. happily/beautiful
d. happily/beautifully
10. …. rich were prepared to pay as much as ……. third of their income to help build …….. hospitala. a, the, the
b. -, a, an
c. -, -, the
d. the, a, the

11.He wished he ……… the country 10 years ago.

a. wouldn’t have left
b. didn’t leave
c. hadn’t left
d. wouldn’t leave.


12.) She works as ________ teacher in ________ school for ________ blind in Ireland. ________ school
has over ________ thousand pupils.
a) a/the/the/The/a
b) -/the/-/The/-
c) a/a/the/The/a
d) the/a/the/A/a


13. Caroline________ in Italy for two years when she ________ going out with Paolo. At that time he
________ to become a teacher and she ________ him at a college disco.
a) has been living/had started/was training/met
b) lived/had started/trained/met
c) had been living/started/was training/met
d) was living/started/trained/met


14. When I ________ about the accident on the news, I immediately ________ my daughter to check
that she ________ back safe and sound. She ________ me she ________ a different way home.
a) heard/had phoned/got/had told/took
b) had heard/phoned/had got/told/took
c) was hearing/was phoning/ had got/told/had taken
d) heard/phoned/had got/told/had taken


15.The test was no problem at all. It ________ easier, in fact!
a) mustn’t have been
b) shouldn’t have been
c) needn’t have been
d) couldn’t have been

Rezolvări test engleză














